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Could Your Heart Be Living in a Bomb Shelter?

Susan Newman

February 1, 2021

Releasing Trapped Emotions Around the Heart

February has become synonymous with the month of Love and the symbol of the heart. Besides celebrating our loved ones, the whole month is distinguished as American Heart Month and is dedicated to motivating Americans to adopt healthy lifestyles to prevent heart disease. A healthy heart is essential for vitality and for life itself.

Most people only see the heart as a muscle that pumps our blood and maintains circulation. But the heart is not just physical; it is multidimensional. The area of the heart is also an energy center. We feel the energy of higher quality emotions associated with the heart, such as love, gratitude, caring, optimism, and joy. We can also feel the lower frequency emotions of grief, sadness, loneliness, isolation, and depression. 

Heartache and heartbreak can be the most profoundly painful emotions of the heart. So much so that the subconscious can use trapped emotions in the body to build an energetic wall around the heart to protect it from further heartache or heartbreak. This protective mechanism is a lot like living in a bunker or bomb shelter. It may be helpful in the short-term when the bombs are falling, but living there long-term would cause you to miss out on the joys of life. A “heart wall” is the same concept.

Trapped emotions in the body may come from earlier experiences in life or are established in the womb by picking up the mother’s energies (in most cases, but the energies can come from others). The trapped emotions may also be inherited from our parents from a trauma that may go back several generations. Emotions such as fear related to impending life on Earth or grief associated with leaving “Home” with God (or Source or Spirit, whatever name you prefer to use) may have been established and lodged in the spirit-body before conception. Whatever the cause, even though we may not be feeling heartache because the heart wall conceals it, this energetic condition may manifest as: 

• Depression or numbed emotions 
• Disconnection from others 
• Lessened ability to give and receive love
• Neck pain or shoulder tightness
• Lowered immunity
• Repeated bouts of infection and difficulty healing in general
• Heart and respiratory problems  

Whole person health means we address all aspects of our multi-dimensionality. Contact me to see how Holofield Healing can address your issues of the heart. 

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