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From the Library of Nature’s Knowledge

Susan Newman

August 7, 2021

Self Help Techniques

For Mind-Body First Aid

In my last blog post, I delineated in simple terms how quantum mechanics theory explains the mystery of how energy healing creates changes in states of being. Science has proven that we are beings of light. Light exists as both waves of energy (the field of infinite potential) and matter (what we see or experience as real), just not at the same time. How we feel and experience life in our physical reality is determined by our resonance with certain frequencies in the field of infinite potential.

According to Penny Pierce, author of Frequency, The Power of Personal Vibration, we each have our own personal vibration, “which changes depending on what we’re thinking, feeling, and doing. The most important thing to know is that we can influence it. When we choose to attune to the frequency of our soul, our personal vibration stabilizes at our ‘home frequency.’ It is much easier to maintain our clarity when we know how to intentionally focus our personal vibration.”

But how do we do that? We live in chaotic times, both in the macrocosm and in our own little circles of influence. Most people I know, self included, can feel rattled from time to time with extra stress or worry and fear of the unknown. What most don’t realize is that within our being we have access to an amazing self-contained “energy pharmacy.” You can create remarkable shifts in states of being with valuable knowledge of natural approaches, techniques, modalities, or exercises you can practice independently.

In my last blog post, I promised to provide simple strategies and exercises to shift your frequencies so you can experience more coherent, positive states of mind. Below are two exercises to try from Chloe Faith Wordsworth’s book, Spiral Up: 127 Energizing Options to Be Your Best Right Now.

CALMING CROSS-OVERS (releases emotional and environmental stress)

The Calming Cross-Overs position releases emotional and environmental stress and integrates both hemispheres of your brain.

A great time to do this is while lying in bed at night before sleep, in the morning before preparing for the day, whenever you feel upset, worried, or stressed or when you find yourself in the midst of an argument. This technique calms your system down quite profoundly.

Teachers can teach calming cross-overs to their students to do before tests or to manage behavior problems.

How to:

  1. Cross one ankle over the other. (It doesn’t matter which ankle is placed over the other).
  2. Place your hands in front of you, with the backs of your hands touching.
  3. Still, with your hands back-to-back, place one wrist on top of the other, so your palms now face each other. Palms facing, interlock your fingers. Bring the two clasped hands down and in a half circle towards your chest, so your interlocked hands rest on your chest and your elbows are relaxed against your ribs.
  4. Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth, close your eyes and breathe slowly. Relax deeply and feel the layers of tension let go. Often within fifteen seconds, you will feel a profound sense of release.
  5. When this feels finished, and you are ready to release, uncross both your ankles and wrists and place your fingertips together. Allow your fingertips and hands to move in any way they are drawn to: up-down, left-right, and out-and-in. These movements have a synchronizing effect on our upper and lower brain areas, the left and right brain hemispheres, and the front and back brain areas.

CALMING BREATH (calming and healing):

This breath is called the king of all breaths because it balances the brain’s two hemispheres, synchronizing alpha brainwaves in both hemispheres. This breath is practiced widely in India (usually for 10 minutes twice a day) with exciting results in improved health and well-being.

This is a wonderful breath to do when you need to calm your mind and emotions and yet be quietly energized — before a test, giving a speech, or before meditation or prayer when you want your mind to be still and peaceful.

How to:

  1. Put the edge of your right index finger across your forehead, just above your eyebrows.
  2. Now close your right nostril with your right thumb and inhale through your left nostril. Hold your breath with both nostrils blocked while relaxing deeply.
  3. Now open the right nostril and exhale through your right nostril. Hold your breath out with both nostrils blocked while relaxing deeply.
  4. Keep your left nostril blocked and inhale through your right nostril. Then exhale and inhale through the left nostril.
  5. Continue exhaling and inhaling through the right nostril and then exhaling and inhaling through the left nostril. Block the nostrils at the top of the inhale and after the exhale for a few seconds.
  6. When you feel that the breath is complete, relax your arm and breathe normally

We have not only the capacity but also the responsibility to calibrate and recalibrate our ‘home frequency’ so that we may live our highest purpose. — Michael Bernard Beckwith

I will continue to share other self-help modalities in future newsletters. If you are not receiving my newsletters, be sure to sign up, so you continue to receive these valuable tools.

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