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We Are More Than We Know

Susan Newman

March 3, 2021

Consciousness and Our 
Multi-dimensional Self

Wellness that is being allowed—or the wellness that is being denied—is all about the mindset, the mood, the attitude, the practiced thoughts. There is not one exception in any human or beast, because you can patch them up again and again, and they will just find another way of reverting back to the natural rhythm of their mind. Treating the body really is about treating the mind. It is all psychosomatic. Every bit of it; no exceptions.                                    —Abraham-Hicks       


This quote typifies the core philosophy behind the energy work conducted at Holofield Healing. Sometimes the reason for allowing or denying wellness is hidden from us, at least consciously, and our attempts for feeling healthy, happy, and prosperous elude us or only work temporarily despite our best efforts. It matters not if your experience of pain or difficulty relates to:

  • Health problems or pain
  • Emotional well-being or self-esteem  
  • Anxiety, fears, or phobias
  • Addictions
  • Relationship issues
  • Career challenges
  • Blocks to creativity, prosperity, or abundance
  • Dealing with difficult decisions
  • Having clarity of life purpose and living your passion
  • Spiritual growth

We are looking for its source in the mind. But what exactly is the mind, and how do we treat it?

The truth is that the answers and solutions lie, quite literally, within us. We are so much more than we know: more than our bodies, more than our brains, more than our personalities or DNA. We are even greater than our consciousness. That greatest aspect of our being, The Essential Self, is absolutely perfect, unlimited and far vaster than the tiny, individualized expression we call our lives. It never suffers, nor is it diminished, ever, no matter what our small self experiences. The more that the small self aligns with the Essential Self, the more we release pain and judgment, have clarity of vision, understanding and knowing, feel peace and joy and endless generosity, and end the cycle of suffering.

A key to finding the answers to our seemingly inexplicable conditions, behaviors, and experiences, and to breaking the barrier between our small self and our Essential Self is to explore the different realms of our consciousness and correct any energy patterns and programming found there that keep us from our highest good.

The Conscious Mind: The Middle Self

The conscious mind, or middle self, is our ego-self, our adult aspect. It is the part of our mind with which we most identify. It intellectualizes, is logical, and reasons abstractly. It is the decision-maker, providing order and clarity of direction in life. Willpower comes from the conscious mind. Spiritually speaking, when we pray, we construct our desires and requests from the level of the conscious mind.

The Superconscious Mind: The High Self

The superconscious mind, or high self, is that parent-like aspect that is loving, trustworthy, and immeasurably wise. It is incredibly advanced in mental powers and creativity. It is the part of our spirit connected to the Divine and whose purpose is to manifest our hearts’ desires and answer our prayers. When we are open and free of energetic obstruction, it also lights our way and gives us direction, meaning, and inspiration.

The Subconscious Mind: The Low Self

The subconscious mind, or low self, on the other hand, is like a child. It has limited reasoning power and cannot distinguish between what is real and what it perceives, nor discern whether information is helpful or destructive. Even though we are not aware of it, the subconscious mind continuously monitors and records all our daily thoughts, words, and experiences—the positive and the negative. It is the seat of all our feelings and holds our chaotic and uncontrolled emotions. It can be fickle, stubborn, or even secretive and can refuse or undermine the conscious self.

The caveat to experiencing our heart’s desire is that the intentions that come from our conscious mind must pass through the subconscious mind, becoming altered with any negative programming before reaching the superconscious mind. Then the superconscious mind manifests the messages it receives, often not in the form at which our conscious intent originally designed them.

Like an iceberg, nine-tenths of which is hidden under water, the unconscious perceptions with which we resonate are equally well hidden. We unwittingly program our subconscious mind, as everything we experience is filtered through our perceptions, which are colored by our attitudes, beliefs, values, morals, ethics, and intentions. All too often, what others have thought, said, or done to us and especially the negative thoughts we have about ourselves and others, particularly when charged with emotion, are imprinted in the subconscious mind. This programming can contribute to allergies, depression, illness, accidents, and inappropriate choices or behaviors and can interfere with our relationships and our ability to succeed in the world. Dramatic or traumatic experiences such as accidents or abuse can also profoundly contribute to programming. Whatever the cause, we will continue to replay and re-experience the negative programming unless the associated energy patterns are cleared from the subconscious.

Unfortunately, however, we cannot reason with the subconscious. It is like a tape-recorder, and no amount of talking about it, or to it, or bringing forth the understanding of how or why the programming got there in the first place will cause the negative or unhelpful programming and patterns to go away. These programs that cause and perpetuate limitations all have unique energy frequency patterns. These discordant or non-coherent frequencies can be identified and then transformed without requiring the process of delving into the details and reliving the painful stories of our lives.

The Unconscious Mind

While the subconscious mind contains our own perceptions, beliefs, and memories, also at play is the collective unconscious, a part of the unconscious mind, shared by a society, a people, or all humankind, that is the product of ancestral experience. It incorporates patterns of memories, instincts, and experiences common to all humanity. These patterns are inherited and contain such concepts as science, religion, and morality. They are often arranged into archetypes and are observable through their effects on dreams as well as behavior, character traits, etc. Our ancestors’ memories, beliefs, and traumas can also be passed down as energetic patterns for many generations.

The Akasha

Looking at the unconscious mind from a spiritual perspective, an even more hidden aspect of the unconscious realm is called Akasha or the Akashic Records. The word “Akasha” comes from two ancient Sanskrit words, “Aka,” which means a space, a storage place, or a repository, and “Sa,” which means sky, hidden, or secret. A simple translation of “Akasha” is “an unseen space or storage place.” Every known spiritual tradition has referred to the concept of the Akashic Records, although it is referred to by different names like the Cosmic Mind or Universal Mind and the Eye of God or Word of God. The most common reference is “The Book of Life,” found numerous times in the Old Testament of the Bible. This realm of consciousness exists everywhere and contains the vibrational record of all experiences and all knowledge that has ever or will potentially ever exist in the future. Every thought, word, and action that every soul has ever had throughout its existence is held as a vibrational pattern here. These frequency patterns can have a tremendous effect on our current life experiences.

How Holofield Healing Treats the Mind

Through all of my various training and practice, I have become highly proficient with tools that allow me to detect the fields of energy that affect the various realms of consciousness. Once identified, I interpret intuitive information regarding the energetic blocks that are the root-causes of your issues. Then I request that High Self clear them, so your small self comes more into alignment with your Essential Self. This raises the potential that you will shift to more coherent, more helpful, more harmonious patterns that potentially yield conditions that feel rooted, nourished, and wholesome. This process allows for more growth, wellness, awareness, clarity, ease, creativity, and abundance in all life areas.

To be clear, I am not doing the healing; it is you, aligning your small self and Essential Self with Divine Source. As the facilitator, I am merely connecting, requesting, expecting, and receiving with heartfelt gratitude. Only the patterns you are ready and willing to change will surface during a session.

Stay tuned for my next post to learn some of the ways we create patterns that block the effectiveness of our Conscious Mind and solutions you can use to correct them.

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