Whole Health Optimization

Whole Health Optimization

“Your whole body, from wingtip to wingtip,” Jonathan would say, other times, “is nothing more than your thought itself, in a form you can see. Break the chains of your thought, and you break the chains of your body, too. You have the freedom to be yourself, your true self, here and now, and nothing can stand in your way.”

―Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Much of what holds us back from experiencing our optimum health, vitality, and well-being in all areas of our lives comes from unconscious patterns or programming established earlier in life. The majority of these patterns are submerged in our subconscious and unknown to us but create lower states such as worry, frustration, pain, illness, and restriction. These patterns can trip us up and prevent us from experiencing the happiness, fulfillment, health, vitality, and performance we desire. 

New Physics tells us that everything vibrates with energy—that includes us, including our systems, organs, tissues, cells, molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles that make up our physical being. Our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, beliefs, and memories also hold frequency. EVERYTHING has frequency. This means that states of pain, injury, stress, depression, and illness, have lower frequencies, and joy, success, optimum health, vitality, and overall well-being have higher frequencies. 

The frequencies of our unconscious patterns with which we resonate determine the life we experience, which we create for better or worse. When we are in sync (coherent), we resonate with and experience health, success, joy, and positive ways of thinking and relating. When we are out of sync (noncoherent), we resonate with the experience of disease, failure, pain, and negative ways of thinking and relating. The quality of our life is directly correlated to whether we are in sync or out of sync and what we resonate with or don’t resonate with.

Susan Newman specializes in multiple modalities and techniques, including the energy medicine of Resonance Repatterning®, to identify and transform the interference patterns that limit physical and emotional healing. Recommended by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., an internationally recognized thought leader regarding the mind-body connection and epigenetics, and bestselling author of The Biology of Belief, Resonance Repatterning® is a powerful tool that provides a model for positive change and transformation. It enables us to identify and transform our resonance with the root cause of our problems so that we can easily and naturally move towards a state of greater balance, aliveness, harmony, performance, and alignment with our goals. Positive change in any sphere of our life results from resonating with a higher vibratory state of coherence; Resonance Repatterning® supports this natural movement and evolution. 

During a session, a “map” of the patterns needing to be cleared is created using input from the client and a muscle checking technique called kinesiology. We identify the out-of-sync frequencies (the beliefs, feelings, perceptions, projections, earlier unmet needs, unconscious patterns, etc.) underlying any problem —past or present—that cause a de-energized spiral down state. Once the noncoherent patterns are identified, your system is brought into coherence using various energizing options that will “spiral up” your frequencies, so you resonate with your optimal frequency range. When our energy is in sync with what is positive, we become coherent and manifest coherence in every sphere of our life. When our body-mind system is coherent, all our trillions of parts function as one harmonious whole, like all the instruments of an orchestra, each with its own notes and rhythms that together create the magic of music. 

Whole Health Optimization supports you in making coherent choices, which, no matter how small, hold great potential for you to become coherent, powerful, and focused in achieving your health goals. 

This work acts to support you as you work with Dr. Goodbinder and the Life Restoration Program, so you are in sync with the frequencies of optimal health and resonate with the behaviors that empower sustained health and vitality.

Susan Newman is an energy practitioner and researcher in subtle energy and energy psychology. Her work seeks to identify and resolve the Psychological-Spiritual-Emotional-Energy root causes of any problem that affects the human condition. Her multi-disciplinary approach utilizes a versatile set of tools and modalities to facilitate positive change for her clients at all levels of being.  

Click Here to learn more about Susan Newman, your Whole Health Optimization facilitator.

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