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A Research Study to Guide the Heart-Centered Education of the Whole Person
Overview of the Study
This study is the first step in developing a conceptual model and theory which will be used to design and build an inspired and inspiring educational platform. The model will incorporate twelve primary aspects of multidimensionality and a specialized pedagogical process to foster heart intelligence and cultivate a strong sense of the self. This model will provide the framework for evolving concepts, experiential opportunities, dynamic learning atmospheres, and novel teaching methods for Kindergarten through 12th grade students to journey inward to know themselves, so they become their own authority.
Ultimately, this model will be used to create a program that optimizes the potential to experience life lived more fully human. This means living with greater awareness, deep perception, and the inspired actions that arise from the heart and a strong, stable inner being.
One-on-one conversational interviews, dialogues, and collaboration with like-minded individuals
will be utilized to identify key triggers to that process. They will also provide input on areas of multidimensionality to be included in the model. A short survey will also impart data regarding the lived experience of participating in this collaborative process.
Historically, education has been a powerful instrument of transmission of the ideals of a society to its members. While it proposes to support student achievement, externally imposed philosophies define what constitutes success and direct how it should be attained. Education has churned out a nation of “technicians” with expertise in how certain things should be done. It teaches us how to think, what is true, and that we must look outside ourselves for authority.
For the most part, the American education system does not reach beyond the cognitive domain and forsakes educating the whole person. It does not assist learners in defining their identity or give them a vision of how to discover a meaningful direction in life. Students do not learn to cultivate a personal philosophy to guide their decisions from simple to complex. Schools have not addressed the inner development that would impart meaning and worth in learning and nurture personal transformation. One might argue that lacking these supports has contributed to alienation, divisiveness, and societal breakdown.
We often use external factors to define our identity. But the fully human self is much more than that. It’s multidimensional or holds multiple levels of awareness. Each dimension is a focus of energy (light and information) within the mind. We can recognize and understand ourselves within each of these dimensions of reality. Some do this naturally, but most people need tools, guidance, and a safe place to explore.
Each dimension of self exists with infinite points of focus at the same time. However, we can remain limited and only perceive dimensions of outer reality through the five senses. The rest are disconnected from our awareness. This is because we perceive through the lens of our beliefs influenced by outside authorities such as education, religion, media, parents, and society.
To awaken to one's true self, one must journey inward and get to know these hidden parts. Then we can learn how we impact ourselves, others, and the world. It is possible to stretch our imagination and think beyond the usual. We can relate to new levels of awareness and open up to greater light and information. This leads to the wisdom of inner knowing, so we become the authority of our own lives.
Knowing who we are is crucial to our highest expression of existence in form and to being fully human. We need a bridge to a heart-centered model that addresses the Whole Self with its many dimensions to develop the wisdom necessary to manage personal and planetary change and create a new way of being. By orienting inward, we discover and utilize the untapped potential contained within the multidimensional aspects of the self.
Significance of the Study
This research proposes to make a substantial and original contribution to knowledge. Its focus is a foundational shift from “outer” to “inner” knowing because knowing who we are is crucial to our existence in form and our journey of awakening. The study outcomes will create a framework for a K-12 inner development program. The model will inspire and guide innovations that transform education from being predominantly head-centered to balance with heart-centered.
Be a Participant
I want to collaborate with others with a deep interest in this topic. I’m interested in learning about your experiences and getting your feedback and ideas.
What is your experience of inner development?
How did you awaken to knowing yourself more fully?
What have you discovered about yourself as you have journeyed inward?
How or why is this important to you?
What led you to experience these phenomena?
How has this led you to be the authority of your own life?
What does “being more fully human” mean to you?
How could we guide children to grow in ways that support
The study participants and I will collaborate and brainstorm possible dimensions or aspects of the self. Some ideas include:
Sensory Self, Intuitive Self, Imagining Self, Loving Self, Patterned Self, Relational Self, Physical Self, Mental Self, Emotional Self, Perceptual Self, Psychological Self, Energetic Self, Spiritual Self, and Self as Other.
Once determined, these will be part of the I’M ME (Integrated Multidimensional Model of Empowerment) model. This heart-centered model will be the beginning step of a holistic, heart-centered K-12 inner development program. Once established, the following can be created for exploring each dimension/aspect of the self:
~Hands-on experiences
~Dynamic learning atmospheres
~Instructional processes
You would be a great candidate to participate in this study if you resonate with the following:
~your experience of awakening to your multidimensional self.
~your inner development journey.
~what you sense should be part of the I’M ME model to guide a heart-centered, K-12 inner development program.
Participation Involves:
Benefits of Participation Include:
Costs to the participants (e.g., Time)
Questions or Want to Participate?
Contact the primary investigator, Susan Newman, at or 913-558-1410.
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